The beloved community in Pontiac


Who is our neighbor?

According to Data USA, Pontiac’s Latino community continuing to expand in 2022. The percent of Hispanic residents has been increasing, and most recently is estimated at 20.6% of the population (compared to 4.3% in Oakland County overall.) Currently Bound Together’s community is 15% Latino and 85% African American.

Population by racial identification in Pontiac, MI



of Pontiac residents are 18 years old or younger


of people in Pontiac live under the poverty line


is the median household annual income in Pontiac


Education in Pontiac

37% of students do not graduate from high school in Pontiac, making them economically vulnerable and limiting their life choices. 8% of students test as proficient in math and 23% in reading at Pontiac High School. Lack of a high school diploma is 5-6% higher among 24 year olds in 2018 than it is among those in older age cohorts, with the poverty rate for all those with less than a high school education being 35.6%.

percent of total population 15-64


is the unemployment rate in Pontiac


of single-parent households headed by women live in poverty


of children ages 5 and younger in Pontiac live under the poverty line


What does this mean for us?

Knowing that our families in Pontiac struggle with housing, transportation, employment, food insecurity and educational access, Bound Together’s mission to support and nurture children both academically and nutritionally is more important now than ever.