A Tutoring Mentor Volunteer is a volunteer who works one-on-one or with a small group of local elementary school students to develop their core skills of math, reading and writing. A Tutor is both a mentor and teacher who commits to providing academic assistance while inspiring students to have a positive attitude towards learning.
A Kids’ Café Volunteer is a volunteer who works with a group to prepare and serve healthy meals to students after tutoring sessions. A Kids Cafe worker is responsible for the serving the pre-made meal and cleanup. All food is prepared and on hand. Workers arrive , around 5:00 pm set the tables serve and cleanup. You are finished by 6:15 pm.
Host a “3rd Party Event” to benefit Bound Together
Get together with friends and neighbors to have some fun and raise funds for Bound Together, at your choice of venue. If you enjoy entertaining, open your house up for a wine tasting with a percentage of the proceeds going to support the programs at Bound Together. If you enjoy playing cards, have a card party evening. The possibilities are endless.” Jean Days” at work are also an easy and fun way to get your place of business involved. We can supply you with materials that tell about what takes place and how the money raised will help further the mission.
If interested in any form of volunteering, please download and print the Volunteer Form PDF from the bottom of the page.
If you have any questions call Michele Wogaman at 248-334-3827/ cell 248-875-5768 or email director@boundtogetherpontiac.org
Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Your Message
Support Us
Bound Together’s mission is to nurture self-worth and academic growth for Pontiac elementary school students performing below grade level.
167 West Pike Street Pontiac, MI 48341 | Phone: (248) 334-3827 | cell 248-875-5768 © 2013 Bound Together All rights Reserved.